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Project Updates

Much is new in "Vimy world"
March 2005

The Vimy Flies Again!
October 2004

The Engines Have Been Mounted
May 2004

Vimy Atlantic Crossing Update
April 2004

Clifden, Ireland Visitors
September 2003

New Propellers
July 2003

Vimy Atlantic Crossing delayed
March 2003

July through November Project Update

Vimy to be Heard in Star Wars

Vimy Grounded by BMW

Vimy Stops in Mesa, AZ for Maintenance

A Visit to the Vimy


Vimy Update — July 2003

The NEW Propellers (and hopefully engines)

Photo by John LaNoue...............

Intrepid chief engineer, John LaNoue, has successfully installed (although not yet operational) a new MT propeller and Orenda engine. While progress is being made, the recent notice by Orenda that they are retiring from the aircraft engine business has caused considerable angst and frustration with the Vimy crew. Orenda, and its parent company Magellan Aerospace, are cooperating thus far in completing their obligations to the project and hopefully with their continued help, we will have the Vimy back in the air in the relatively near future.

Stay tuned.....


©1999-2001 Vimy Restorations, Inc.

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