the Vimy
In 1992, Peter McMillan and his team organized a worldwide
effort to build an authentic Vimy replica to relive the
pioneering adventures of 1919-1920. Construction of the
Vimy replica was led by John LaNoue. The project required
thousands of pages of new drawings and more than 25,000
man hours of labor. Completion took 17 months from start
to FAA certification in August 1994 a remarkable
testament to the team's dedication and resourcefulness.
On these pages...
On these pages, you can learn the whole story about how
the Vimy was built, along with other tidbits of information
about building models of the Vimy. Click an article link
on the left side of this page to view the story that interests
Photo by Matthew Rebholz shows one of the Vimy's wings
under construction.