Transatlantic | England to Australia | London to Cape Town

London to Cape Town


The Trip

Educational Project

The Curriculum

The Tutors

The Field Team


Educational Project

Five students from five countries joined the American Educational team of Mick Follari and Matt Bresler in Kenya. Various projects were set for the students in the field, and also for students around the world joining in via this website.

The educational project had several goals:

  • To revitalise the study of geography for classrooms — which includes studying the history, environment, peoples, geology, vegetation, wildlife, technology, and politics of a region — through an exciting adventure
  • To bring together a world of students collaborating on an exciting educational puzzle
  • To celebrate the spirit of exploration and adventure and relate that spirit to specific educational objectives

Our intention was to turn the reborn Vickers Vimy into a flying classroom: one that captures students' imaginations by offering a window to the future through an adventurous glance at the past. The very nature of this exciting endeavour highlighted all that came in contact with it, and our goal was to use this effect to communicate a specially-designed curriculum.

We celebrated the history of exploration and aviation, while promoting a spirit of collaboration and unity amongst diverse people across the world. An important flavor to the Web page is the complement or contrast between the book research done in the classroom and the face-to-face research done in the field.

Our exact itinerary was refined to accommodate local experts, school participation, and corporate and political events. Of course, the inevitable hurdles, challenges, triumphs, and unforeseen magical moments defined the project en-route. This idynamic process provided an exciting teaching opportunity for those in the field, as well as those participating from abroad.
Information flowed two ways between the field students and Web students. It also flowed two ways between the field students and African students, and among the tutor and the field students, Web students, and African students. The flight crew and local experts provided the students with valuable information.

On these pages, you can learn more about the educational project and the experiences that the field and web students shared.

©1999-2001 Vimy Restorations, Inc.

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