Much of the lasting impact from these expeditions comes from bringing the story home through lectures, school visits, and other public appearances. Sponsors for the flight benefit greatly from these events long after the publicity has died down. Members of the Vimy Aircraft Project team have given more than 100 lectures (related to the 1994 flight) to a diverse group of organizations and schools around the world, ranging from the Royal Geographical Society in London to the Rooftop Alternative School in San Francisco. Several events were held in conjunction with National Geography Awareness Week in 1997. In 2001 and 2002, the Silver Queen will be on tour, appearing as a main attraction at a number of highly publicized air shows throughout the United States. This tour, which will be produced in conjunction with sponsors and educational partners, will be a moving tribute to the progress of aviation in our century. The Silver Queen Flight is operated by a tax-exempt Code 501-C-3 entity. We need your help to sustain this project. Sponsorship, both corporate and individual, is critical to the success of our mission. To discuss sponsorship options, contact: Vimy Restoration, Inc.
Sponsors and supporting organizations for the 1999 London to Cape Town flight include:
The following organizations have provided additional support, through the donation of equipment and supplies necessary to operate the Vimy Aircraft Project organization:
©1999-2001 Vimy Restorations, Inc.
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